maandag 17 augustus 2009

A Change of Seasons

House Blackspyre and its retainers have performed admirably at the Tournament of Myrcella. The White Stag's jousting skills landed him in the eight finals and though the Heir of Blackspyre tilted poorer than his uncle his skills at archery earned him some grudging respect from his peers aside from a hefty purse of Dragons.
Most surprising was the performance of the House's team in the Grand Melee, however, as they managed to not only best the mad priest Thoros of Myr but also defeated the retinue of the Marcher Lord Roddrick Dondarion, before being bested by the Kingslayer and his Lannister followers.

But now the times have changed and the heralds sing not of birth but of death. Robert Baratheon, first of the name, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, has called his banners and ordered them to march on the rebellious Balon Greyjoy, who has proclaimed himself King of Rock and Salt.

The Iron Islands, however, are not easily taken and the autumn storms in Shipbreaker Bay prevent the Eastern Fleet to join their might to that of the Fleet of the West anchored in the secure bay of Lannisport.
The winds are blowing colder and the rains are falling heavier and as war comes to Westeros the white ravens fly from the Citadel and spread their message:
Winter is coming...